Telp/Hunting : (021) 29070732 - No. WA 081519973093 - Email :

Pompa Ebara SQPB Cast Iron
Pompa Ebara SQPB Cast Iron

Pompa EBARA Self Primming SQPB



 Aplikasi Pompa Ebara SQPB:

·         Irigasi

·         Pengolahan air

·         Pembuangan air

·         Aliran Air

·         Penyiraman air dan irigasi

 Kebutuhan Umum Perikanan persawahan dan perkapalan


Fitur – fitur pompa Ebara SQPB :

-          Tidak ada cat dasar membutuhkan kecuali untuk penggunaan awal

-          Desain khusus atas tubuh pompa atau rumah pompa yang memberikan priming yang cepat dengan perpanjangan pipa

-          Perawatan pemeliharaan pompa diberikan pada saat jenis jenis pembungkusan dan packing

-          Air bercampur dengan sedikit pasir atau lumpur dapat di pompa juga karena memiliki impeller semi open atau semi terbuka


-          Instalasi yang memudahkan pengguna dimana cocok dengan instalasi ke mesin karena arah pemutaran yang berlawan dengan arah jarum jam



-50 SQPB

-80 SQPB

-100 SQPB

-150 SQPB



50 SQPB Bronze

80 SQPB Bronze

100 SQPB Bronze

150 SQPB Bronze


Pompa ini dapat digunakan untuk air bersih, air bercampur sedikit pasir dan lumpur karena pada umumnya persawahan dan perikanan pada kolam dan empang. Air - air yang digunakan adalah air sawah, air dari sungai dari kolam dan dari danau waduk penampungan. 

Tercapat bermacam-macam pompa yang kami jual antara lain dengan brand :

Jual Ebara
Jual Pedrollo
Jual Calpeda
Jual Grundfos
Jual Franklin Electric
Jual Pulsafeeder
Jual Torishima
Jual Lowara
Jual Tsurumi
Jual CNP
Jual HCP
Jual Southern Cross
Jual SIHI Sterling
Jual Oriental Koshin Pump


Selain Pompa kami juga menjual perlengkapan pompa :
Jual Kabel Pompa submersible Jainson Cable
Jual Sparepart pompa
Jual Lampu Francis UK
Jual Pressure Tank MERK : CIMM
Jual Altenator Dong Feng
Jual AC Brake Motor Li Ming
Jual Root Blower Futsu
Jual Worm Gear REVCO
Jual Pompa PC 8000 (Pompa Keong)
Jual Blower Mushroom
Jual Axial Fan
Jual Axiam Mushroom Fan

Pompa yang kami jual berdasarkan segi manfaat :
Jual Pompa Centrifugal
Jual Pompa Centrifugal Close coupled
Jual Pompa Centrifugal Stainless steel
Jual Pompa Centrifugal End Suction
Jual Pompa Centrifugal Twin Impeller
Jual Pompa Centrifugal Single Impeller
Jual Pompa Submersible
Jual Pompa Submersible Sewage
Jual Pompa Submersible Deepwell
Jual Pompa Submersible Wastewater
Jual Pompa Submersible Celup
Jual Pompa High Pressure
Jual Pompa Jocky
Jual Pompa Ballast Pump
Jual Pompa Submersible Stainless
Jual Pompa Dosing
Jual Pompa Diafragma
Jual Pompa Booster
Jual Pompa Diesel
Jual Pompa Self Priming
Jual Pompa Self Priming Cast Iron
Jual Pompa Self Priming Bronze
Jual Pompa Keong
Jual Pompa Self Priming Diesel
Jual Pompa air kotor
Jual Pompa Vertical Multistage
Jual Pompa Horizontal Multistage
Jual Pompa Self Priming Centrifugal Side Channel Multistage
Jual Pompa Vacuum
Jual Pompa Chemical
Jual Pompa Gear Pump
Jual Pompa High Viscocity Oil
Jual Pompa Oil
Jual Pompa Dosing Chemical
Jual Pompa tangan

Ebara SQPB centrifugal end suction

EBARA SQPB Series Self Priming Pump Agriculture Pump Applications : Irrigation Drainage General purpose Features : No priming is required except for initial use. Special designed casing provides very rapid priming for extended piping. Maintenance is facilitated due to packing type. Water mixed wuth a little sand or mud can be pumped up due to semi-open impeller design. Easy installation with engine for belt driven due to c.c.w rotation




100 SQPB

150 SQPB


- Type SQPB Bronze :

50 SQPB Bronze

80 SQPB Bronze

100 SQPB Bronze

150 SQPB Bronze


Applications :

  • Irrigation
  • Drainage
  • General purpose

Features :


  • No priming is required except for initial use.
  • Special designed casing provides very rapid priming for extended piping.
  • Maintenance is facilitated due to packing type.
  • Water mixed wuth a little sand or mud can be pumped up due to semi-open impeller design.
  • Easy installation with engine for belt driven due to c.c.w rotation.


Tercapat bermacam-macam pompa yang kami jual antara lain dengan brand :
Jual Ebara
Jual Pedrollo
Jual Calpeda
Jual Grundfos
Jual Franklin Electric
Jual Pulsafeeder
Jual Torishima
Jual Lowara
Jual Tsurumi
Jual CNP
Jual HCP
Jual Southern Cross
Jual SIHI Sterling
Jual Oriental Koshin Pump


Selain Pompa kami juga menjual perlengkapan pompa :
Jual Kabel Pompa submersible Jainson Cable
Jual Sparepart pompa
Jual Lampu Francis UK
Jual Pressure Tank MERK : CIMM
Jual Altenator Dong Feng
Jual AC Brake Motor Li Ming
Jual Root Blower Futsu
Jual Worm Gear REVCO
Jual Pompa PC 8000 (Pompa Keong)
Jual Blower Mushroom
Jual Axial Fan
Jual Axiam Mushroom Fan

Pompa yang kami jual berdasarkan segi manfaat :
Jual Pompa Centrifugal
Jual Pompa Centrifugal Close coupled
Jual Pompa Centrifugal Stainless steel
Jual Pompa Centrifugal End Suction
Jual Pompa Centrifugal Twin Impeller
Jual Pompa Centrifugal Single Impeller
Jual Pompa Submersible
Jual Pompa Submersible Sewage
Jual Pompa Submersible Deepwell
Jual Pompa Submersible Wastewater
Jual Pompa Submersible Celup
Jual Pompa High Pressure
Jual Pompa Jocky
Jual Pompa Ballast Pump
Jual Pompa Submersible Stainless
Jual Pompa Dosing
Jual Pompa Diafragma
Jual Pompa Booster
Jual Pompa Diesel
Jual Pompa Self Priming
Jual Pompa Self Priming Cast Iron
Jual Pompa Self Priming Bronze
Jual Pompa Keong
Jual Pompa Self Priming Diesel
Jual Pompa air kotor
Jual Pompa Vertical Multistage
Jual Pompa Horizontal Multistage
Jual Pompa Self Priming Centrifugal Side Channel Multistage
Jual Pompa Vacuum
Jual Pompa Chemical
Jual Pompa Gear Pump
Jual Pompa High Viscocity Oil
Jual Pompa Oil
Jual Pompa Dosing Chemical
Jual Pompa tangan

Ebara SQPB centrifugal end suction

EBARA SQPB Series Self Priming Pump Agriculture Pump Applications : Irrigation Drainage General purpose Features : No priming is required except for initial use. Special designed casing provides very rapid priming for extended piping. Maintenance is facilitated due to packing type. Water mixed wuth a little sand or mud can be pumped up due to semi-open impeller design. Easy installation with engine for belt driven due to c.c.w rotation




100 SQPB

150 SQPB


- Type SQPB Bronze :

50 SQPB Bronze

80 SQPB Bronze

100 SQPB Bronze

150 SQPB Bronze


Applications :

  • Irrigation
  • Drainage
  • General purpose

Features :


  • No priming is required except for initial use.
  • Special designed casing provides very rapid priming for extended piping.
  • Maintenance is facilitated due to packing type.
  • Water mixed wuth a little sand or mud can be pumped up due to semi-open impeller design.
  • Easy installation with engine for belt driven due to c.c.w rotation.


Tercapat bermacam-macam pompa yang kami jual antara lain dengan brand :
Jual Ebara
Jual Pedrollo
Jual Calpeda
Jual Grundfos
Jual Franklin Electric
Jual Pulsafeeder
Jual Torishima
Jual Lowara
Jual Tsurumi
Jual CNP
Jual HCP
Jual Southern Cross
Jual SIHI Sterling
Jual Oriental Koshin Pump


Selain Pompa kami juga menjual perlengkapan pompa :
Jual Kabel Pompa submersible Jainson Cable
Jual Sparepart pompa
Jual Lampu Francis UK
Jual Pressure Tank MERK : CIMM
Jual Altenator Dong Feng
Jual AC Brake Motor Li Ming
Jual Root Blower Futsu
Jual Worm Gear REVCO
Jual Pompa PC 8000 (Pompa Keong)
Jual Blower Mushroom
Jual Axial Fan
Jual Axiam Mushroom Fan

Pompa yang kami jual berdasarkan segi manfaat :
Jual Pompa Centrifugal
Jual Pompa Centrifugal Close coupled
Jual Pompa Centrifugal Stainless steel
Jual Pompa Centrifugal End Suction
Jual Pompa Centrifugal Twin Impeller
Jual Pompa Centrifugal Single Impeller
Jual Pompa Submersible
Jual Pompa Submersible Sewage
Jual Pompa Submersible Deepwell
Jual Pompa Submersible Wastewater
Jual Pompa Submersible Celup
Jual Pompa High Pressure
Jual Pompa Jocky
Jual Pompa Ballast Pump
Jual Pompa Submersible Stainless
Jual Pompa Dosing
Jual Pompa Diafragma
Jual Pompa Booster
Jual Pompa Diesel
Jual Pompa Self Priming
Jual Pompa Self Priming Cast Iron
Jual Pompa Self Priming Bronze
Jual Pompa Keong
Jual Pompa Self Priming Diesel
Jual Pompa air kotor
Jual Pompa Vertical Multistage
Jual Pompa Horizontal Multistage
Jual Pompa Self Priming Centrifugal Side Channel Multistage
Jual Pompa Vacuum
Jual Pompa Chemical
Jual Pompa Gear Pump
Jual Pompa High Viscocity Oil
Jual Pompa Oil
Jual Pompa Dosing Chemical
Jual Pompa tangan

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